2023 Club Champions
2023 Men’s Club and Grade Champions and Runner ups
L to R : Zac Shanks A Reserve Champion , Michael Rookas C grade Champion, Archie Milich Runner up C grade, Darren Bilney Club Champion, Damien Smith Runner up B Grade, Joel Mann Runner up Club Champion, Matt Bowering B Grade Champion.
Runner up -Wayne Elliott A Reserve (not in photo)
Sponsor - The Barn Steakhouse
Congratulations to our winners and runners up in the 2023 Club Championships.
A massive thank you to Kent Comley and the Barn for their sponsorship of the 2023 Club Championships
2023 Women’s Club and Grade Champions and Runner ups
L to R : Lizzie Clements Runner up C Grade, Trudy Johnson C grade Champion, Penne Saffin Runner up B grade, Kate McCormick B Grade Champion, Karen Forster Sponsor, Faye Mainwaring Club Champion, Bernie Jennings Runner up Club Champion and Linda Boylan D Grade Champion.
Sponsor - Karen and Mark Forster SE Pines
Congratulations to our winners and runners up in the 2023 Club Championships.
A huge Thank you to our sponsors Karen and Mark Forster SE Pine.